For ‘roughly’ 4 decades Colin David Ferguson (cdf), has been directly involved, as well as intimately involved at each and every level of the diamond business worldwide.
This incomparable experience to traverse literally every ‘facet’ of the global diamond industry and being mentored, taught and trained by the elite of the diamond world globally, including the likes of DeBeers sight dealer (Uncle) Eddy Gryspeerdt who trained cdf on how to identify, value, and ultimately own the rarest and most sought after from deep within the earth through the valuation, cutting, polishing, of the worlds most rarest and beautiful diamonds culminating in their final valuation for distribution to the global diamond market.
With a history that includes unrivaled industry experience comes to cdf from holding key management positions and elite consultation roles across the globe including some of the biggest names in the financial, entertainment, and diamond business worldwide.
There is no aspect of the diamond business we have not worked with, traded in, and then involved with intimately.
For decades our associates, friends and clients have been delighted with the fact that we simply ‘leave no stone unturned’ as we provide direct and transparent access for our clients to highly coveted Diamonds by providing them with a backstage pass to the exclusionary world of the diamond industry globally.
As an example we provide direct insight and information to our clients (insider information) as one of the world’s first Argyle Pink direct distributors of the legendary Argyle Diamond Mine. Again a cdf backstage pass provides insider access to the mine that has capture the attention of astute investors and collectors of this fast-growing and expanding hard asset class that until now has been a long-kept secret of the wealthy, the elite, and the insider.
Our philosophy in life and in business is best reflected in a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, Mother Teresa’s children orphanage in Calcutta, a poem called…
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered,
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful, you will make false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
Honest and frankness make you vulnerable,
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight,
People really need help may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have, and you will get kicked in the teeth,
On behalf our friends and clients cdf we have quite literally traveled, explored and journeyed the four corners of the earth; searching, brokering and advising clients like you on the acquisition, ownership and ultimately trading of these rarest and most beautiful sought after Diamonds on the planet.
Our clients receive access, with their backstage pass, to the nuances, and even secrets of the Diamond Industry and find values and acquisition prices unrivalled globally, and at the same time you can make a difference.
The cost of admission?

As we give we gather.
We’re all about giving back.
Over the years cdf has worked with, donated to, and been honoured by many charitable organizations across the globe, while receiving recognition and several philanthropic awards. Perhaps the most notable honour is from The Royal Family with the presentation of the prestigious Duke of Kent Medal.
Philanthropy has always been and continues to be a big part of us, and with this latest opportunity we merge expertise in the gem trade with the desire to do good and give back.
cdf has had the honour of being personally awarded and presented by Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent – the prestigious Duke of Kent Medal of Distinguished Service for Charity.
At an official ceremony on the floor of the British Columbia Provincial Legislature, Colin was awarded the Saint John’s Ambulance (the world’s oldest charity) Diamond Donat Medal for philanthropy.
Now we plan to do more – much more.
Copyright © Colin David Ferguson, All rights reserved.